Monday, September 7, 2009

Although, I haven't been out here in a while, I hope everyone is doing great!!. These are the patterns I worked on this summer along with the blouse from New Look a while back. The New Look blouse was not the hugh success I had hoped, but nevertheless it is complete. The Hannah Montana pattern #3515, I made two dresses for my granddaughter and I looovvveee them!!!. I promise to take pictures and post next time. The two Vogue outfits you see our my current projects. The dress I made in the wrong measurements and have to buy more fabric, that's why you should always buy much more than what you think you need. The other two piece is almost done. I added a cami to the top because the blouse is made from georgette. I am very happy with that project. PICTURES ARE COMING SOON!!! Have a blessed day!!