Monday, April 30, 2012


First I want to thank GwenSews for making a comment on my page.  I don't get very many comments and when I do I am elated that someone wants to acknowledge that I am out here trying to connect with the sewing world. So Thanks sooooo  much Gwen for your comment, it was really appreciated. I was trying to reply to the comment and my cursor was pointing on the delete, although I never pressed delete, your comment was deleted!!! NOOOOOO, I don't want that!!! Someone was kind enough to take the time to talk to me and I accidently deleted the comment. Then I tried to find out if there is a way to undelete. Looks like there is no such button!!! Then I tried to send an email to Gwen Sews and clicked on her box and attempted to befriend her and it added  another block to my followers!!! I am confused!!! What happened????. help me out!!!

Ok I am signing off  because I am frustrated as you can see.

Enjoy your day. Happy Sewing. God Bless and all that other Good Stuff!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Its Done!! And Another Twist to the same two patterns has evolved!!

 This took me forever!! The top is fully lined and has sewn in interfacing. The pattern did not require a lining but I thought it best for my taste. I still have to put hook and eyes on the skirt and top but I have to move right along to the next variation.
 This would look a little better if I had the hook and eyes attached. When I changed the pattern to a top I didn't consider that I would need a separating zipper in order to get into the blouse. Ouch!!! I opened up the darts a little rather take the zipper out . Its ok for me but if I made this for someone else I would use buttons like I did in the top you see below. That's a bit of a pain because you need someone to button you up!!!
In this top I added the peplum from B6582 to the top instead. The skirt is the same as above w/o the peplum of course. I have sewn a few other pieces for the show but they are not complete. If I don't get pics before the show I will certainly post pics of the actual show. It's just a small tea party show like last year but I still need to get a lot of sewing done in this small space of time.!!          

Happy Sewing and Have a Blessed Day!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Slow Progress on New Look 6003 and B6582

So here is where I am so far. The progress is extremely slow because of all the "other sewing" I am doing. "Other sewing" meaning alterations on pants and costumes for children. I have a fashion show in May so if I don't leave this "other sewing" alone I am going to be stuck!. Anyway, The skirt needs a zipper and the the lining to the hem is a pinch too long. You can't see it in the front, that's why you only got a front side view (he he) Anyway, the top is pinned to "Lillie"(for those who don't know that's the name of my dressform. So I need to purchase a zipper and finish the top and then I will be on to project #2 which is the peplum top and the straight skirt,which is partially cut and sewn.